Meal Prep: Breakfast Sammiches and Burritos

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“Graff!”, I hear you exclaim with your voices turned plaintive, “Thank you for your lunch tips, but I can always hit Mickie D’s if I need lunch, I never seem to have time for BREAKFAST though and local coffee company is expensive!”

Well, buckle up buttercup, because today we’re covering BREAKFAST!!!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that people like breakfast sammiches or breakfast burritos. So lets talk about the best way to prep that that make a bit more sense. Usually when you see breakfast sammich prep ideas it’s like “Bake a bunch of eggs in a muffin sheet, fry some bacon, freeze, assemble as needed” and that’s….neat, but doesn’t really make your breakfast sammich “Grab and Go.” You can assemble them together, but then they never re-heat right, your bacon gets rubbery or just…burnt and your egg is still cold in the middle and nobody is happy.

So how do we fix that?


Okay, well, we SORTA make quiche. We make one without crust. “But Graff!”, I hear you start to complain “I don’t have a sammich sized muffin tin or other apparatus in which to cook them to size!” To which I say “I KNOW! WHO WOULD!?”

Go online, find yourself a quiche recipe that sounds nommy to you. Maybe a bacon cheddar quiche. A Sausage and pepper? Broccoli and mozzarella? A chorizo potato? Whatever sounds tasty to you. Mix it up, make 8. Live your best life! Bake them in whatever large pan gives you the thickness you desire, I’d say probably about 1-1.5 inches thick. Next let it cool until it’s set and has structure.

Now, I want you to grab a pint glass out of your cupboard and look at the opening. And now look at an English Muffin. Notice the similarity….. Now I want you to CUT DISCS OF QUICHE OUT WITH YOUR PINT GLASS! You can set and use it as a guide to cut with a knife or, if you’re not picky about edges, just press it right in.

These discs have all the flavor you need for your sammich and they’ll heat evenly. For extra convenience, you can even reheat in the bag, just pop it open, toss in the microwave, reheat for…30-45 seconds or so (your microwave WILL vary, please test this). This will create steam in the bag that will evenly heat your egg and continue to heat it while it sits there, oven off. Toast yourself up an English muffin, slap that microwaved quiche disc on there, maybe an extra slice of cheese if you’re feeling fancy! It’s still not INSTANT, but lets be honest, nobody likes microwaved bread and this is still pretty convenient.

OH YEAH, I forgot a thing. What do you do with all the off cuts? You have discs and now you have a lot of messy not-disc stuff. Well, remember how I said humans seem to like “Breakfast Burritos?” Just add salsa, some extra shredded cheese and freeze in a baggy. Reheat the bag, slap that in a freshly warmed tortilla, maybe some sour cream if that’s your jam and boom! Near Instant burrito!

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